Primary Series Contacts
Name | Position | Phone Number | E-Mail Address |
Lonnie Wheatley | Director, Series & Sanctioning | (918) 607-6893 | |
Cody Cordell | Competition Director | (918) 407-1879 | |
Cody Cordell | Technical Director | (918) 407-1879 | |
Jordan DeLucia | PR Coordinator | (315) 440-2602 | |
World Racing Group Contacts
Name | Position | Phone Number | E-Mail Address |
Corrie Goss | Sr. Manager, Client Services | (724) 464-3649 | |
Jim Chiappelli | General Manager, DIRTVision | (704) 707-0275 | |
A World Racing Group, event is a competitive racing event which is intended to be conducted and officiated in accordance with the rules herein. These rules provide the guideline for all events. The rulebook may be amended from time-to-time and special rules may be published and/or adjusted at any particular event with the participants receiving prior notification. By participating in these events, all participants agree to comply with the World Racing Group General Rules and these rules and regulations listed below. The rules are not intended to express or imply the warranty of safety as a result of publication of, or compliance with the rules and regulations as stated herein. The rules are intended to offer a guideline for the conduct and officiating of an event.
The Supervisory Official shall be empowered to permit any reasonable and/or appropriate amendment from any of the specifications and/or procedures herein or impose any further restrictions that in their opinion does not alter the minimum acceptable requirements. Revisions to the rules are not intended to express or imply the warranty of safety shall not result from any such deviation or restriction of the specifications, rules and/or procedures. Any interpretation of, or deviation from, these rules herein, are left to the discretion of the racing officials and their jurisdiction is final.
Any equipment changes, alterations to existing parts and/or performance enhancing changes to previously approved parts or equipment must be approved in writing prior to introduction into competition.
Supervisory Officials reserve the right to immediately determine the legality and use of any equipment that has not received prior written approval for introduction into competition. It is ultimately the obligation of each participant to ensure their conduct and equipment complies with all of the applicable rules, as they may be amended from time-to-time. The rules are in no way a guarantee against injury and/or death to participants, spectators, officials and/or others.
Chapter 1 – World Racing Group General Rules
Click Here to view the World Racing Group General Rules
Chapter 2 – Procedure Rules
Section 1 – Racing Event Procedures
A. Pre-Race Inspections
a. All cars entered and present at any Series event that are intended to compete in the racing event, must pass pre-race inspection prior to any on-track activity. Pre-race inspection may take place in a specified area and/or in the regards of space directly at the teamâs transporter. Refusal to present vehicle or preventing officials from completing pre-race inspection will result in disqualification from that event and possible penalty and fines.
B. Drivers Meeting(s)
a. All drivers must attend the driversâ meeting. Drivers in violation of not attending the Driversâ Meeting could face a fine, loss of driverâs points, ownerâs points and/or suspension.
b. The number of cars starting each event and the number of laps for each event may be announced at the driversâ meeting.
c. Any changes in the basic event night program due to car count, track conditions and/or any other circumstances may be announced at the driversâ meeting.
C. Inspection Procedures and Legality
a. Officials may at their discretion, impound part(s) and/or component(s), engine and/or any other components and/or the complete car for competitive, and/or research data analysis.
b. World Racing Group is not responsible for any cost incurred as a result of inspection.
c. Officials may at their discretion, inspect any car entered for competition in any racing event at any time.
D. Weighing and Scales
a. All race cars must weigh a minimum of 1500 pounds with a driver fully prepared to compete in the car throughout an entire event.
b. Additional bolt-on weight will be permitted but must be mounted and fastened to the frame and/or chassis in a secure manner. All additional bolt-on weight must be mounted and fastened in the area between the bottom frame rails and axles but mounted no higher than the upper rails. At the discretion of American Sprint Car Series Officialâs additional bolt-on weight may be mounted and/or fastened forward of the front axle, but not past the front torsion bar.
c. When running an ASCS approved aluminum block, and ASCS approved weight (50 lbs.) must be added in front of the motor plate.
d. The addition of bolt-on weight during any yellow and/or red flag condition will not be permitted.
e. The American Sprint Car Series scales will be available and open to scale cars prior to hot laps at every event.
f. All cars will be weighed during qualifying.
g. When instructed to do so by American Sprint Car Series Officials, cars must proceed immediately to the scale. Crew members and/or other race team personnel will not be permitted in the area and/or to approach the car prior to reaching the designated area until it is weighed and released by American Sprint Cars Series Official.
h. Except for extenuating circumstances drivers must remain seated in their typical racing position in the vehicle during the scaling process unless released by American Sprint Car Series Officials. If a driver leaves the car without prior consent, it could result in disqualification from the event in which the car is competing in.
i. Unless instructed otherwise the top three (3) finishers from the âFeature Eventâ are required to report to the scale area to be weighed. Failure to report to the scale area may result in disqualification from the event. Extenuating circumstances will be considered.
E. Restrictions
a. Once a race car has been started or once any race has been started, all work on the race car must be completed in the designated work area unless informed otherwise. Any participants who do not work on the car in the designated work area are subject to disqualification and/or fine and/or suspension and/or any other action deemed appropriate by Officials and/or World Racing Group Supervisory Officials.
b. On the initial push, during a yellow and/or red flag situation if a car needs more than one (1) âpush-offâ, except for safety reasons, that car will be penalized 2 running positions. A âpush offâ is considered completed only when the pushed vehicle has started and pulled away from the push vehicle.
c. Drivers and/or team members will not be permitted to tamper with track racing surface. Any participants who tamper with the track racing surface are subject to disqualification and/or fine and/or suspension and/or any other action deemed appropriate by World Racing Group Supervisory Officials.
d. Any driver, crew member, or team associate that enters the racing surface without express approval from an official are subject to disqualification and/or fine and/or suspension and/or any other action deemed appropriate by World Racing Group Supervisory Officials.
e. All drivers should not exit their car unless there are extenuating emergency circumstances. They should shut off the electrical power, remain in their car, and wait for track and/or safety officials without removing any personal safety equipment. At no time should a driver and/or crew member approach any portion of the racing surface or another moving vehicle.
f. No driver changes after a car has been on the track.
F. Entry and Pill Draw
a. All drivers and/or teams entered, in any event, must draw for a position in qualifying order at the designated location. The drivers and/or teams are responsible for their own pill draw. Only one (1) car may be entered per driver in any event.
b. All pills will be drawn prior to the driverâs meeting. If a driver and/or team entered and present at the event does not draw, that team will be placed at the end of the qualifying order. In the event that there is no qualifying, then the driver and/or team will start at the rear of their specified qualifying race.
c. All participants shall be DIRTcar Members in good standing to participate in any event draw.
G. Hot Laps
a. All entered cars will hot lap by the qualifying order. If a driver misses their respective group, they will forfeit their opportunity to hot lap.
b. The AMB Scoring Transponder must be mounted on the race car prior to hot laps.
c. When track packing is required, any car that does not participate will be given only one (1) qualifying lap at the end and can start no better than 5th in the heat race.
H. Qualifying – National Tour
a. Qualifying will consist of two consecutive timed laps unless otherwise noted. Changes to the two-lap qualifying procedure will be at the discretion of series Officials.
b. When conditions and circumstances allow multi-car qualifying may be utilized at the sole discretion of ASCS Officials.
c. Qualifying will take place in the order of the pill draw. Each car and/or team will have a two-car and/or two-group grace period to be in line for their own qualifying opportunity.
d. If the grace period is missed the late car will take its qualifying at the end of the scheduled lineup and receive only one qualifying lap. Any car missing the grace period can start no better than fifth in its respective heat race.
e. Once a car is pushed and/or rolls for time trials, even if it doesnât start, that is considered an attempt to qualify. If the car leaves the track and goes to the pit area or returns to the qualifying line, it will be considered late and will only receive one qualifying lap as outlined above.
f. The cars that are late must be in line before the last scheduled car attempts to qualify. Qualifying will be closed once all cars that are in line have attempted to qualify.
g. In the event of two or more cars posting the same qualifying times, the tiebreaker will be the fastest other lap time of the two consecutive recorded laps. If this does not break the tie, the tie will be broken by the qualifying pill draw. If one (1) lap qualifying is utilized, the tiebreaker will be the qualifying pill draw.
h. In the event of inclement weather and/or unforeseen circumstances, it is at the discretion of the World Racing Group Supervisory Officials to revise the qualifying procedure.
i. If for any reason, a race must be run on a different day after qualifying is completed (except for multiple-day events), the driver may start the race in the earned qualifying position even if not in the car originally presented for qualifying.
I. Heat Races – National Tour
a. The heat race lineups will be determined by the results of qualifying.
b. Heats are straight up by time, except for the fastest qualifier in each group/heat, which will invert to the 4th starting position.
c. The number of laps in the heat races and the number of cars transferring from the heat race(s) will be announced at the driverâs meeting by Series Officials.
d. There may be a redraw for starting position amongst the top finisher(s) in each heat race. The number of drivers that participate in the redraw will be determined by the number of heat race(s) run during any given event night and will be announced at the driverâs meeting.
e. Any driver transferring from the heat race(s) to the feature race that does not qualify for the redraw will line up for the feature race based upon the driverâs finish in the heat race.
f. Any driver that does not transfer from the heat race(s) to the feature race will be assigned to compete in an LCS and/or preliminary main.
J. Last Chance Showdown(s)
a. The Last Chance Showdown(s) lineup will be determined by the finishing order of the heat race(s).
b. The number of laps and number of transfer position(s) from the Last Chance Showdown will be based on the overall car count for the event and announced at the driverâs meeting.
K. Backup Cars
a. A backup car may be introduced at any time between qualifying and the start of the Feature due to the original car not operating properly and/or from extensive damage. Such determination will be at the sole discretion of the Series Officials. Any such change will result in the driver starting at the rear of the next race segment for which the driver has qualified for. If a driver changes car(s) after hot laps, that driver will remain in his drawn position for qualifying and will be positioned in subsequent races accordingly.
b. If a backup car is introduced, the car must pass pre-race technical inspection prior to any competition. A backup car may be obtained from any source and does not have to be part of a teamâs original equipment.
c. An additional entry/inspection fee may be due for the introduction of any backup car where applicable.
d. Once a car has been withdrawn from an event, that car will not be allowed to be resubmitted to competition during that event.
L. Starts
a. The race will begin immediately once the racing surface is clear, and the cars are properly aligned in their assigned starting positions.
b. Any driver, team, and/or car, who purposely attempts to hold up the start of any race.
will be placed at the rear of the lineup and could be disqualified from the event, suspended and/or fined at the discretion of the World Racing Group Officials.
c. Once the allotted time (announced at the driverâs meeting) allowed for being on the track or in the push off and/or staging area, ready to race, has expired, any late car will be penalized two (2) positions.
d. Any car pushed or joining the field after the field has started assembling must start at the rear of the field.
e. In any race once the one (1) to go signal has been displayed cars will not be allowed to enter the racing surface unless directed by a Series Official.
f. All starts, and restarts will take place at a consistent speed. Consistent speed will be at
the discretion of World Racing Group Officials. Starts will take place within a designated area that will be identified at the driverâs meeting. Any car out of line and/or passing before this point will bring out a caution period and will be penalized two (2) positions on the ensuing restart. If an offending car is located on the last row of the starting grid, then that car is allowed to restart but will be penalized 2 positions from its finishing position. If the same car commits a second offense it shall be disqualified from that event. All front row cars must choose their racing line coming out of turn three (3) and must maintain that line until the start or restart occurs. Failure to do so will result in a two (2) position penalty. Failure to acknowledge and comply with the âmove backâ signal may result in disqualification from that race.
g. In the event the race is not properly started by the two (2) front row cars, the responsible car(s) may be moved to the second row. Failure to acknowledge and comply with the âmove backâ signal may result in disqualification from that race.
h. One (1) complete lap must be completed before the race is restarted using a restart lineup.
i. The pole car sets the pace, and the front row starts the race together at the designated area, regardless of a displayed flag. Any passing before the front row accelerates will not be permitted.
j. If a caution comes out on the original start or before one (1) lap is completed, the car or cars that brought out the caution will lineup at the rear of the field and the race will have a complete restart for the remainder of the field with cars lined up by position at the discretion of the race director.
M. Single File Restarts
a. All restarts will take place with the lead lap cars moved to the front of the field. Lapped cars will pull to the inside and fall in behind the last car on the lead lap in their order of running.
b. If a car is unable to properly restart the race after the one (1) attempt, the car will be penalized two (2) positions.
c. When an infraction occurs on a restart, World Racing Group Officials may exercise their discretion and allow the race to continue, not calling for another restart, and then penalize the offending car(s) under yellow flag conditions or at the conclusion of the race. The offending car(s) will be penalized 2 positions plus any positions gained.
d. The restart area will be at the designated restart area, which will be announced at the Driverâs Meeting.
e. All restarts will take place at a consistent speed. Consistent speed will be at the discretion of Series Officials.
f. Any cars that stop in the pit/designated work area, during a caution period will be required to restart from the rear of the field.
g. Any cars that are involved in a red flag situation will be required to restart at the rear of
the field, including cars that go to the work area during a red flag situation.
h. Under red flag conditions any car that stops because of a blocked track, at the discretion of the Series Officials, will not be considered involved in the red.
i. Any car that is stopped for consultation during a caution period will retain its position only if the Series Officials deem the car âclearâ and permit it to return directly to competition without adjustment.
j. If a car is not in a proper nose-to-tail alignment and/or is laying back to create excessive gap between cars, then that car may be penalized. If there are multiple violations, the car may be disqualified from the event.
k. A restart cone will be placed in turn four (4). Cars will assemble in single file running order instructed by ASCS Officials. All cars must pass to the right of the restart cone(s) in a single file, nose-to-tail manner.
l. Must be nose to tail before passing the cone. Once passed the cone the field is back to green flag conditions.
N. Racing
a. Any car that does not race on the designated racing surface in order to better its position will be black flagged and penalized at the discretion of the Series Officials.
b. The maximum number of event laps will be stated by the Series Race Director during the driverâs meeting but may change due to extenuating circumstances.
c. Any car that spins, is involved in an incident, and/or has a problem but does not bring out the yellow flag and/or create a caution period, will blend back into the field where the driver is able to do so. If there is an inadvertent caution period, the Series Officials will determine the placement of the car(s) involved. The placement of the car will be where the car blended back into the field.
d. At the discretion of the Series Official, any car that is involved in two (2) or more unaided spins may be penalized.
e. All races must be completed in a âgreen-white-checkerâ finish. This means if the yellow flag is displayed or caution lights illuminated prior to the leader receiving the checkered flag, that race will be restarted and run for two consecutive laps before completion. Under certain conditions, at the discretion of Series Officials, a one-lap âwhite â checkeredâ finish is allowable.
f. If a race is red-flagged due to weather conditions and cars are sent to the pits, then any and all work, including tire changes, is permitted.
g. If there is an incident resulting in a closed red situation and the determination is made to go to an open red then all the cars that were considered involved, whether they went to the work area or not, will re-align at the rear of the field in their scored position on their last completed lap. Order is lead lap cars, 1 lap down cars, and multiple lap down cars
h. A spin or stoppage that requires a car to be restarted during a yellow flag slow down period is considered as being involved and will result in said car or cars re-aligning at the rear of the field along with other cars that were involved in the yellow stoppage.
i. If it is determined in any race, after the original start, that any competitor deliberately initiates a caution period, by any means, that competitor may be penalized. The determination of what constitutes deliberately initiating a caution period will be at the judgment of the and/or World Racing Group Officials.
j. Any cars going to the work area and re-entering the race together will be positioned in the order of their last scored lap at the rear of the field behind cars that are on the same lap as they are. If a restart green flag is displayed and followed by a yellow or red flag before a lap is scored, then any car(s) that remained in the work area can re-enter the race but will be positioned behind any same lap car that took the aforementioned restart green flag. If a car remains in the work area it can re-enter during any ensuing race stoppage, lining up behind any cars that are on the same lap as said car that is re-entering.
k. Officials may complete an event, at any completed lap count, at their discretion, if a condition or circumstances create a reasonable inability to continue. The race will be considered complete unless announced otherwise.
l. If, when officials determine in their sole discretion that unforeseen circumstances prevent the completion of the advertised distance or make it impractical to continue or complete the race within a reasonable time after it has been stopped, the race will be considered officially completed as of the last lap scored by the leader prior to the race halt. The finishing positions will be determined, as they would have held if the race had been restarted.
m. A pace car may be utilized to pace the field prior to the start of the event and on all restarts. Passing of the pace car, unless otherwise instructed to do so by the Series Race Director will not be permitted.
n. Hand signals, colored gloves and colored sticks will be permitted during the use of communication with drivers. Flashlights, anything with electricity and/or two-way radio communication or any electronic communication with drivers will not be permitted.
o. In the event that a race car is inadvertently or purposely hit by a push truck, pace vehicle or purposely hit by another race car during push-off, or under yellow flag conditions or other non-racing activity and such incident is witnessed by a World of Outlaws Official, then repairs can be made to the contacted vehicle and that car will resume itâs running position. The maximum time period allotted for such repairs is six (6) minutes. If repairs cannot be completed within this time period, then the car will be scored as finishing last in that race. Alternate(s) starters will not be given a starting position in this situation. In the event the damaged car is not able to reenter the race, the car will be scored last on the lap in which that car has completed.
p. When a car is presented in the designated lineup area or during push-off for any event competition, any tire change is prohibited. Any tire change will result in forfeiting starting position. Penalty will be starting in the last position.
q. Adding fuel, whether on the track or in the work area, will not be permitted when yellow flag and/or closed red flag conditions exist.
P. Work Area
a. When the yellow flag is displayed a one (1) minute period will be permitted for the repairs of any race damage. The time will begin once the car has reached the designated work area. The car will rejoin the field at the tail of the lap itâs on once the work has been completed at the direction of Series Officials. Only cars involved in the caution will be allowed guaranteed time. After the completion of halfway of the race the two-minute period will no longer be in effect.
Q. Flag Rules and Officials Signals
a. Green Flag
i. The green flag signifies the start of any race and/or qualifying run.
b. Yellow Flag
i. When the yellow flag is displayed, and/or the yellow caution lights are illuminated, this signifies a caution period.
ii. When the yellow flag is displayed and/or caution lights illuminated no passing is permitted unless instructed to do so by Series Officials.
c. Red Flag
i. All red flags are considered closed red flags unless Series Officials determines it needs to be an open red. In an open red flag, a work area may be designated on the racing surface. All cars will be moved to the designated work area on the racing surface before work begins.
ii. When the red flag is displayed all cars on the racing surface and in the pit areas must come to a complete stop in a controlled manner, while not stopping and/or driving through the area of the incident. Cars are not permitted to move for any reason unless instructed by Series Officials. Any car that moves during the red flag without permission will be penalized and/or parked.
iii. During any red flag situation all drivers, unless involved in the incident must remain in their car unless otherwise instructed by Series Officials.
iv. During any red flag, once the field is stopped, the race director may offer the opportunity for any car to the work area by signaling to do so with instruction over the one-way radio. Any car that goes to the work area for service during the red flag period will surrender its running position and have to restart at the rear of the field and/or if the race is canceled due to inclement weather, the car will be scored behind those cars which did not go to the work area.
v. If the race is red-flagged due to inclement weather conditions, work and tire changes will be permitted.
vi. CLOSED RED: The track will be closed. Crew members will not be permitted on the race track and/or to their race cars.
vii. OPEN RED: The Race Director will determine when the track is open. Any repairs and/or adjustments, except changing a tire or wheel, can be made to the race car. When the Race Director determines that the racing may resume; an air horn designating the start of a 2-minute work period will be sounded. At one-minute remaining, the air horn will be sounded twice. At the end of the 2-minute period, the horn will be sounded, officially ending the work period. Crews must be clear of their car when the 2-minute period has expired or be penalized 2 running positions. Last row cars violating this procedure will be penalized 2 positions from their finishing position. Any car still being worked on once the field has started assembling will be disqualified and not allowed to re-enter the race.
viii. FUEL RED: As soon as all the crews have reached their cars an air horn designating a 2-minute work period will be sounded. The 2-minute work period procedure is the same as outlined above. Any repairs and adjustments, except changing a tire or wheel, can be made to the race car as long as they are completed before the 2-minute period has expired.
d. Black Flag
i. If the black flag is displayed, then the driver that the flag is being displayed toward must bring their car to designated pit work area immediately for consultation. The car will not be scored from the point that the black flag has been displayed. If after the car is inspected and it is able to return to competition, the car may only return to the track during a caution and/or red flag period.
e. White Flag
i. When the white flag is displayed this signifies that the leader of the race and/or the car that is qualifying has started the last lap of that event.
f. Checkered Flag
i. The checkered flag signifies the completion of the event. All cars must pass underneath the checkered flag to be scored correctly on the final lap of the event.
ii. Once the leader has crossed under the checkered flag, that race will be considered complete.
g. Officials Signals
i. All drivers must obey signals, communications, blackboard(s), and/or any other Officialâs communications that assist in the direction and facilitation of creating proper lineups and/or the process of completing the event.
R. General Racing Equipment, Driver Radios, and Scoring Transponders
a. All competitors in all series are required to have, in working condition, an approved one-way radio system to aid in lineups and/or the use of race control to manage the racing event.
b. All cars must have and/or provide adequate hardware for the attachment of the Scoring Transponder.
c. All cars are required to be equipped with a scoring transponder securely mounted on the specified location. It is the competitorâs responsibility to ensure proper installation and working condition of the scoring transponder.
d. If a car is found to have a non-functioning scoring transponder, they will be directed to the pits to have one installed. A penalty may be assessed at the discretion of series officials.
Section 2 – Scoring Procedures
A. All races are scored at the designated start/finish line.
B. A lap will not be scored on the original start and/or any restart unless all cars complete the lap by passing through the start/finish line except for the cars involved in the incident.
C. After the first completed green flag lap, following the original start or restart, when the caution is displayed all cars that were scored under green flag conditions will hold that scored position with all other cars lining up according to their last completed green flag scored lap. This partial lap will count toward the eventâs total number of laps. Racing back to the start/finish line will not be permitted. This is also known as split scoring. A completed lap is considered leader plus one (1).
D. In the event that a yellow and/or red flag is displayed with the checkered flag simultaneously that race is completed. The cars not crossing the finish line will be scored according to their position in their last completed green flag lap.
Section 3 – Payoff Procedure
A. All paid purses, appearance money and/or other awards and/or funds as outlined in the promoterâs contract shall be paid to the car owner and/or designated ownerâs representative.
Section 4 – Provisional and Alternate Starting Positions
A. Provisional: National drivers that are in good standing with the ASCS eligible for a provisional. There are events that Provisionals will not be allowed. ASCS officials will notify teams of these. The driver highest in owner points, not making the show, has first choice at a provisional and then the second and on down. No more than two points-based Provisionals will be allowed per night. Points based Provisionals award full event points for the position earned at the close of the A-Feature, but earnings will be minus Start money. Any team who is in good standing with ASCS will be allowed three (3) Provisionals for the season. At co-sanctioned events with an ASCS Region, the highest in regional standings that has attended 100% of that Regionâs schedule shall be allowed a provisional into the nightâs A-Feature. Provisional rules apply to National Tour races only.
B. Alternates will not be taken to fill any vacancies that occur.
Section 5 – Racing Program and Special Show Events
A. There may be special event shows during the year that do not follow the Series racing formats. When such events occur, all teams will be informed of specific program and/or procedural changes for that particular event. All racing programs are subject to change and any such changes will be explained to all competitors prior to the race.
B. From time-to-time mandatory appearances, interviews and or/autograph sessions will be scheduled. Drivers will be notified of attendance and location at selected events. If any driver fails to report to any autograph session a written penalty may be issued, which could result in loss of points, starting positions earned and/or fine(s).
Section 6 – Points Breakdown
Place | Points | Place | Points |
1st | 150 | 14th | 102 |
2nd | 142 | 15th | 100 |
3rd | 135 | 16th | 98 |
4th | 130 | 17th | 96 |
5th | 125 | 18th | 94 |
6th | 122 | 19th | 92 |
7th | 119 | 20th | 90 |
8th | 116 | 21st | 89 |
9th | 113 | 22nd | 88 |
10th | 110 | 23rd | 87 |
11th | 108 | 24th + | 86 |
12th | 106 | NQ | 65 |
13th | 104 | DNS | 50 |
A. 65 (show-up) points will be awarded to all members in good standing, who attempt to qualify a car, but fails to qualify for the feature event.
B. Points will be awarded special events, as agreed with members in good standing, utilizing show-up points only.
C. In the event of a tie that occurs during the season, the driver that placed highest in the most recently completed event will be listed ahead in the overall Championship Point Standings. The order is created by wins, top 5s, top 10s, last completed event.
D. In the event that a tie should occur in the final Championship Point Standings at the end of the season, the tie will be broken using the following tiebreakers in order; Most feature wins, most second place finishes, most third place finishes, etc. until the tie is broken. In the event that the tie remains unbroken by finishes the tiebreaker will result to qualifying results in the same manner.
E. National Tour Point Fund: Drivers who compete in 100% of a given seasonâs schedule on the ASCS National Tour, finish in the Top 10, and is a member in good standing, is eligible for their earned positionâs full payout. Participation between 80% and 99.99% by a driver in good standing will be paid for the percentage of races run. For example, if a driver finishes 9th but only runs 82% of the season, their point fund will be 82% of that positionâs scheduled payout. Drivers must run between 80% and 100% of a season to be eligible for contingencies or be considered for Rookie of the Year. To be eligible to contend for Rookie of the Year, a driver cannot have run more than 40% of a previous yearâs schedule.
F. Point Fund Breakdown: 1st $40,000; 2nd $25,000; 3rd $20,000; 4th $15,000; 5th $12,000; 6th $10,000; 7th $9,000; 8th $8,000; 9th $7,000; 10th $6,000, Total, $152,000.
G. Regional Tour Point Fund: Drivers who compete in at least 80% of a given seasons scheduled for an ASCS Region, and is a member in good standing, is eligible for their earned positionâs full payout for that ASCS Region.
H. To be eligible for Tow Money, drivers must compete in at least 80% of the yearâs schedule and be a member in good standing. National Tour Tow Money is paid per night of competition. A maximum of two nights of Tow Money will be paid if an event is three or more nights. Split field qualifying on multiple days will pay Tow Money for the driverâs preliminary qualifying night and the final night except for Knoxville.
I. An SSN or EIN must be filed on the driverâs membership form with 1099 recipient clearly marked.
J. Teams who register with the National Tour must resister a single EIN in the event that multiple car owners will be used, all entities must be registered as a corporation with a single EIN. The EIN must be legally registered to a corporation and cannot be a Sole Proprietorship.
K. Only single owner teams, or owner/driver teams can be a Sole Proprietorship but are strongly advised to incorporate for your legal protection.
L. Tow Money for the first four races contested on the season is based the previous yearâs points in order to establish owner/driver points for the current season. Anyone running on the National Tour must have their tax information submitted no later than the fourth race contested.
M. Owner Points are not kept on Regional Tours.
Chapter 3 – Technical Rules
Section 1 – Engines
A. 360 Cubic Inches: plus 1% maximum displacement (360 plus 1% = 363.6).
B. No Titanium in engines, excluding valves and valve retainers.
C. Injectors: 2 3/16″ (2.1875″) maximum inside diameter of injector stack at least 3 inches in length. Note: Larger injector stacks may be used but sleeves a minimum of 3 inches long must be installed in the stacks above the butterflies. No relief holes may be drilled above the butterfly on any injector stack. No alteration of injector manifold mounting holes will be permitted.
D. Due to manufacturing process some injector stacks may be slightly larger. There will be a tolerance of .005″ allowed on no more than 3 stacks. No throttle body or plenum type injectors allowed. No down nozzles allowed.
E. No timed fuel injectors will be allowed. Electronic fuel injection shall not be allowed. Only one injector nozzle and one injector line per cylinder.
F. Injection unit shall have one shaft operated butterfly per cylinder. The immediate area of the butterfly must be round. No slide or barrel type injectors will be allowed.
Section 2 – Aluminum Block Rules
A. Any aluminum block is allowed.
B. ASCS approved weight (50 lbs.) must be added in front of the motor plate.
Section 3 – Cylinder Heads
A. List of Cylinder Heads approved for ASCS competition is as follows:
a. Chevy – #27-211
b. Ford – #27-223
c. Mopar – #27-222
B. Spec Heads: Brodix Chevrolet Style Heads part #27-211 and Mopar Style Heads part #27-222 with ASCS stamp. During polishing, the edges of the letters on the ASCS logos are sometimes inadvertently brushed with the polish wheel. This is permissible if letters are still intact. Angle milling is allowed if the head remains within 1 degree of original manufacturerâs specifications. Excessive porting and/or angle milling of the ASCS logo Cylinder Heads may affect their structural integrity and is in no way recommended by Brodix.
C. Spec Heads: Brodix Ford Style Heads part#27-223 with SCS stamp. Intake opening must be 2.150 inches tall by 1.300 inches wide. During polishing, the edges of the letters on the ASCS logos are sometimes inadvertently brushed with the polish wheel.This is permissible as long as letters are still intact.Angle millingis allowed as long as the head remains within 1 degree o foriginal manufacturerâs specifications. Excessive porting and/or angle milling of the ASCS logo Cylinder Heads may affect their structural integrity, and is in no way recommended by Brodix.
D. Valve angle and placement may not be altered in any way on the ASCS Spec or any other head. No welding of any kind, internally or externally is allowed. ASCS checking fixtures will be used by sanctioned ASCS tracks to check the above specifications and dimensions.
E. Porting and Polishing Guidelines
a. Intake ports must match the following:
i. ASCS Chevy: FP #1206 or equivalent
ii. Ford: FP #1262 or equivalent
iii. Mopar: FP# 1213 or equivalent
b. Porting and polishing of intake ports is allowed with the following restrictions:
i. All ASCS logos must remain completely intact
ii. Intake port openings must meet previous requirements and checking fixtures currently utilized by sanctioned ASCS tracks.
iii. Valve Spring pockets may not be welded or altered in any way with intent to relocate ports.
iv. Maximum allowable width of pushrod area as follows:
1. ASCS Chevy: 2.630″
2. ASCS Ford: 1.300″
3. ASCS Mopar: 2.450″
**Width of pushrod area will be measured on the outside of the intake ports, at the location of the original pushrod machining from the original manufacturer. This area will be measured with an ASCS approved gauge.Â
v. Absolutely no exhaust port relocation, raising, enlargement, or reshaping of any kind
1. Polishing is allowed if the original ASCS logo is not affected, or port shape is not altered substantially.
2. Valve spring pockets may not be welded or altered in any way with the intent to relocate parts.
3. Exhaust port openings must meet previous requirements and checking fixtures currently utilized by sanctioned ASCS tracks.
vi. Polishing will be allowed in the combustion chamber area to avoid hot spot chaffing.
vii. All spec heads must remain within 1 degree of the original manufacturing [Chevy: 23-degree, Ford: 20-degree, Mopar: 18-degree]
viii. Penalty for altered spec head will be subject to suspension, for one calendar year. Forfeit all points and moneys won, during the race which the infraction was found, and subject to a $500 fine that must be paid to ASCS before reinstatement.
ix. All oil pans must have inspection plug, pans without plug will be subject to pan removal at any time.
x. No turbine driven, turbo or blower will be allowed.
xi. Only two valves and one spark plug per cylinder allowed. No big blocks.
xii. No computer operated or controlled parts, such as fuel injections, traction control, fuel systems, crank trigger switches in the cockpit, chassis adjusting systems, shocks, etc.
xiii. No offset motors will be allowed; engine must be directly in front of the driver. Driver must straddle driveline.
xiv. Any car changing a motor after taking an official green flag will start in the originally scheduled starting spot as long as the chassis remains the same.
**Any internally repaired ASCS spec head must be re-certified by Brodix
F. The mufflers must remain attached to the headers at all times. All muffler and header components must remain intact and operating. If the muffler becomes disconnected from the header and/or fails to operate it could result in disqualification from that race. If the muffler and/or header is damaged from and/or altered from track debris, a crash and/or a physical defect and/or no muffler components were lost and/or missing the penalty will be at the discretion of the World of Outlaws NOS Energy Drink Sprint Cars Series Officials.
G. Any muffler and/or header that has been altered in an attempt to gain a competitive advantage will not be permitted into competition and could result in disqualification.
H. All muffler rules and/or decibel (DBA) constraints are subject to state and local regulations as well as World of Outlaws Series Sprint Car Officials will aid in enforcing the rules and regulations of those agencies.
I. When qualifying, any car determined to be in excess of the Decibel limit(s) set by either the track and/or any local agency, will receive only one (1) lap of qualifying at the end of time trials and the highest qualifying position the car may achieve is 50% plus one (1) of the field (50%+1). If the car pulls off and no time is recorded, the car will be permitted one (1) lap at the end of time trials. If during that attempt the car remains louder than the limit it will result in an automatic disqualification.
Section 4 – Chassis Specifications
A. Weight Rule: Weight rule is 1500 lbs., including the driver, at the conclusion of the race. Any bolt-on weight must be painted white, and the car number must be on the weight. Loss of any bolt-on weight during competition will disqualify the individual from that event. Bolt-on weight can only be added in the areas designated in the accompanying diagram. The weight must be securely attached and must remain in place during a race. It must not be moved or removed during a red flag situation. We reserve the right to disqualify any individual whose weight mounting procedure does not meet our specifications. (See Diagrams)
B. Chassis pass any test prescribed by the safety inspectors. The roll cage must be of a four-post design. No dirt champ cars. No elliptical (oval shaped) tubing used on or as part of the main frame structure. Minimum wheelbase of 83 inches, maximum wheelbase of 90 inches. No pieces may be added to the frame to resemble, imitate or be specifically designed to deflect, trap or form a wind break of any nature, except those used to cool/protect the motor and braking system. No roadster type chassis allowed, only sprint appearing type bodies, tails and hood will be allowed.
C. All chassis will be required to have additional bars installed to support and decrease the span between the front and rear uprights in the driverâs area. The new support bars must be in addition to the front and rear uprights. Any attempts to manipulate the front and rear uprights to conform to these measurements will not be allowed at the discretion of American Sprint Car Series Officials. These additional bars will be minimum 1.375 X .083 ASTM4130 normalized steel or equivalent material.
D. Left and right-side support bars may be one of the three designs below. Left and right-side support bars do not have to be of the same design. Left and right-side support bars may be one of the three options (See Section 6A).
E. Slip-tubing is not allowed in the chassis construction. Any existing slip-tubing must be replaced or welded. Clamped or bolted slip tube joint will no longer be allowed.
F. Titanium front axles nerf bars and/or rear bumpers will not be permitted. Nerf bars and rear bumpers must be made from magnetic steel and/or stainless steel. Left and Right Nerf bars must attach to the chassis at three points. The bumpers must be a minimum of one (1) inch in diameter and have a minimum material thickness of .065 inches. The nerf bars must not extend past the outside edge of the tires.
G. Torsion arm retainers will be mandatory on both sides of the front torsion bars. The retainer may be of the rod-type with a securing cap or insert with an expanding mandrel and/or any other approved Torsion arm retainer design. Torsion arm retainers must be installed and used in accordance with the manufacturerâs instructions.
H. No aluminum frames, draglinks, tie rods or left front radius rods. They must be 4130 steel with magnetic steel rod ends. Swaging of the tubing will not be permitted. The drag links must be tethered to the frame with a minimum of one (1) inch nylon webbing.
I. Carbon Fiber connecting rods having to do with suspension or steering are not permitted.
J. All drive lines must be broken in the coupler or rear slider, fully enclosed and contains no more than one U-joint or C-V joint. No torque arm drive lines allowed. A safety strap or hoop that is securely attached to the chassis is required. Driveline components may not be Carbon Fiber.
K. Mufflers: Mandatory, (unless otherwise stated). Schoenfeld part #14272735-78. Loss of muffler will result in disqualification when mufflers are required.
L. Headers: Must be a minimum of .045.
M. Steel, Aluminum or Titanium brake rotors only.
N. The maximum distance from the leading edge of the front bumper to the leading edge of the front torsion tube is a maximum of 8″. The maximum distance from the leading edge of the front bumper to the leading edge of the front axle is 23 1/2 inches.
O. No hollow, tubular or drilled out bolts allowed.
P. The right-side opening must be a minimum of 10 inches vertical at any point and 21 inches horizontal.
Q. The right-side panel (armguard) will be permitted to extend a maximum of 7 inches as measured from the outside edge of the middle frame rail and must remain above the middle frame rail.
Section 5 – Wing Specifications
A. Top Wing Center Foil
a. Center Foil maximum size of 25 square feet with a maximum width and length of 60 inches. Center Foil must be square or rectangular in shape with all 4 corners set at 90° angles with no variance allowed. Center foil top is to be flat from front to back and side to side. The center foil top must start being flat within 6â from the center foilâs front leading edge.
b. Center Foil shall be fully sheathed in aluminum. Vent holes, dimples, ridges and/or any other type of fabricated modification will not be permitted anywhere on the wing.
c. A removable wicker bill, maximum height of 2 inch, may be mounted on the rear edge of the top wing center foil. Wicker bill must be 90 degrees to the top of the center foil. Built-in wicker bills or gurney lips will not be permitted. The maximum dimension of the wicker bill may change periodically at the discretion of ASCS Officials. Any such changes will be issued in writing prior to the event in which the change will be made.
d. The top wing may be adjustable in the cockpit by the driver. Other than the slider mechanism-moving parts will not be permitted on or in the foil structure.
e. Only one slider mechanism will be permitted on the top wing, which only permits forward and backward adjustment.
B. Front Wing (see diagrams)
a. Center Foil maximum size of 6 square feet with a maximum width of 36 inches with a one degree plus or minus tolerance.
b. Center Foil shall be fully sheathed in aluminum. No vent holes allowed.
c. Maximum 2â removable wicker bill allowed on any front wing. Wicker bill must be 90 degrees to the top of the Center Foil as measured from Top of wing nose to trailing edge.
d. Maximum distance from the Center Foil front edge to the front edge of the front axle may not exceed 20 inches.
e. The Center Foil front edge must remain at least 1 inch behind the front edge of the front bumper. Center Foil top surface from side to side must remain flat.
f. Center Foil must be one piece. No split or bi-wings will be allowed.
g. Wings must be fabricated of metal alloys only. No fiberglass, carbon fiber or other similar material may be used in the basic framework of the wings.
h. The Front Wing must not extend beyond outside of front tires. The Front Wing may not be cockpit or driver adjustable while the car is stationary or in motion.
i. No moving parts allowed on or in foil structure.
j. The 5â section located at the rear of the front foil must not have a bell/curl arc that is out of proportion with the rest of the front foil. As measured on a 5-inch straight edge, the belly at 2 1â2 inches from the rear of the foil may not be deeper than 3/8 inch. There is zero tolerance on this 3/8-inch depth. It is suggested that the wing blueprint specify 11/32-inch depth, so that if any deflection or movement of the wing occurs, the depth will not exceed the 3/8-inch specification (This 3/8 inch measurement ensures that the belly/curl arc is gradual).
k. The belly/curl arc must span the entire length of the front foil and appear to be a gradual arc with the deepest point, no further back than 12 inches from the leading edge. The belly/curl arc must start at the front foilâs leading edge and shall not exceed a depth of 2 inches. Top foil thickness cannot exceed 3.6 inches.
l. No rudders or fins on Front Wings.
C. Sideboard Panels (see diagrams)
a. All sideboard panels must be square to center foil.
b. Side panels may not be supported by braces whose section is not horizontal. All braces or supports shall be oriented thin edge to face the air stream. Only rectangular, round or oval metal braces not exceeding 1 inch in width may be used.
c. No aero section side panel brace material allowed.
d. No brace or support shall resemble a wicker bill or a split wing.
e. Top Wing, sideboards maximum size, 72 inches long and 30 inches tall. Panels must be of one- piece construction. Panels must be fabricated flat to have no turnouts or flaps made of more than 2 inches of material on the front or rear of panel and no more than 1 1/4 inches on the top or bottom. Panels must be mounted parallel and square to the center foil with no more than 1 1/2â of turnout as measured from the Center Foil. Only two (2) corners on the 2/3 of each top wing sideboard will be permitted. Three (3) corners shall be set at a 90 degree angle with no tolerance. The leading edge of the sideboard may not be behind the leading edge of the Center Foil.
f. Front Wing side boards maximum size, 12 inches tall and 26 inches long with no more than one inch overhang from the center foil front edge to the sideboard front edge. Sideboards may have front, back, top and bottom turnouts of no more than 1/2 inch.
Section 6 – Fuel
A. Methanol or Ethanol only, NO NITRO or additives allowed. Fuel subject to be checked anytime by ASCS officials. NOTE: Fuel samples may be taken at any time during an event for analysis and prize money may be withheld until results are known. (Penalty for fuel infraction will result in forfeiture of all points and moneys won during event detected, and a fine up to $1000 for first infraction. 2nd infraction subject to suspension up to 1 calendar year.)
B. Fuel Cell must be securely mounted with bladder mandatory. Tank used for Qualifying Heats must be remain for all events. Unless deemed unusable by ASCS Officials.
Section 7 – Tires and Wheels
A. Right Rear Hoosier Racing Tire, 105×16.0-15 Medium or Medium 1. Tires may be Siped and Grooved.
B. Digital air bleeders are allowed but cannot be remotely controlled. Air may not be introduced to the tire from any onboard system.
C. Bead locks recommended on all wheels.
D. All wheel covers must have a minimum of 5 attachment points if using dzus fasteners. Said dzus fasteners must be made of steel only. Wheel Covers having only 3 attachment points must be bolted-on all three points utilizing a minimum 5/16â, flanged steel bolt and an approved fastening (nut assembly) system. Approved fastening (nut assembly) systems:
a. Keyser Manufacturing, part #100 7-101
b. Wehrs Manufacturing Part # (WM377A-312 Aluminum 5/16) (WM377S-312 Steel 5/16)
c. Triple X Chassis Part # SC-WH-7810 (for a 1â spring) / SC-WH-7820 (for a 1 3/8â spring)
d. Smith Precision Products Part # MC-516-18
e. Speedway Motors part # 910-07119
E. Optional fastening systems that are equal of superior to the above approved system will be readily approved at the sole discretion of ASCS Technical Officials.
F. Maximum right wheel width is 18-inches, maximum left rear wheel width is 15 inches.
G. Left Front is the only tire you can run flat.
H. The Left Rear tire must be a Hoosier Tire.
I. No tire softeners, no conditioners, no altering of tires with any natural or un-natural chemicals, no hazardous or un- hazardous components or chemicals which alter the factory set baseline settings of a given tire.
J. All sidewall markings must be always visible. No buffing or removing of the compound designations.
K. Defacing or altering, in any way, the tire manufacturersâ brand name, logo and other tire compound/size information is not allowed.
L. Fitting New Tires
a. If a car loses itâs right rear tire on its first qualifying lap, a new right rear tire can be fitted, but the car will be restricted to one (1) lap at the end of qualifying.
b. During any race of the event after qualifying, a flat and/or damaged tire may be changed, during a caution period in the designated work area. The following rules apply to such tire changes.
c. The car will restart in the position and procedure of a car exiting the work area, behind all cars on the same lap
d. During any event, a replacement tire will only be allowed for damaged tires, flat tires and/or damaged wheels. This rule applies to all four (4) tires on the car. Exceptions will be allowed when changing front axle assemblies due to extensive front-end damage. New front tires, already attached to the replacement assemblies, will be allowed except when, at the discretion of ASCS Officials, such a change would create an unfair competitive advantage.
e. Prior to any work or replacement, positive approval for any replacement must be obtained from the ASCS Official assigned to the work area.
f. A damaged tire is described as a tire; flat on the wheel, deflated, with extremely low air pressure or other circumstance. Loss of air must be due to an apparent puncture, hole, slice, cut, tread separation, extreme tire wear or similar situation. A damaged tire can be replaced with a new or used tire.
g. Damaged tires may be impounded by ASCS Officials for inspection.
h. If any additional time is taken by the ASCS Officials to determine if the tire meets the damaged tire criteria, that time will be added to the work area time, if any.
i. A damaged wheel may also be changed, with a replacement tire, during a caution period in the designated work area under the same stipulations as stated in Section 2-O. A damaged wheel is described as bent or broken, bead lock bent or broken, broken or damaged center section. Malfunctioning bleeder valves or bleeder devices are not considered as a damaged wheel.
Section 8 – Safety
A. General
a. Each competitor is solely responsible for the effectiveness and proper installation, per the manufacturerâs specifications, of personal safety equipment and determining it to be adequate for competition at every event. Each competitor is expected to investigate and educate themselves for continuing improvement regarding their own personal safety equipment.
b. Different safety regulations may be in place depending on the local and/or state government rules and/or laws and/or regulations in the specific location of the racetrack. Helmet and seatbelt dates and/or specified equipment requirements, worn, utilized and/or otherwise may be different than specified in the rulebook. Contact your local track officials for more information regarding this.
c. Each division section (15 to 24) will cover the General and Specific Safety and Personal Protection minimum requirements. All participants are solely responsible to meet the requirements in the specific division.
B. Seat Belt and Restraint System
a. Each car must be equipped with minimum of an SFI 16.1 or SFI 16.5 approved restraint system. Restraint system will be eligible for use in competition until the expiration date or for 2 years from the date of manufacture. Seat belt restraint systems shall be installed and used in accordance with manufacturerâs instructions.
b. In any type of manufacturerâs installation, the fasteners must be as supplied by the manufacturer. The seat belts must be mounted to the chassis per the manufacturerâs instructions. No belts to seat installation will be allowed.
c. Seat belt material should not be permitted to encounter any sharp or metal edge, including when the material passes through the seat.
C. Protective Clothing
a. All drivers will be required to wear a fire-resistant driving uniform meeting minimum of the SFI 3.2A/5 specifications and display a valid SFI 3.2A/5 label on the outside of the uniform.
b. Drivers must always wear gloves when they are on track. Driverâs gloves must meet or exceed the SFI 3.3 specification and have a legible and valid SFI 3.3 label.
c. Drivers must wear shoes that meet minimum of the SFI 3.3 specifications and display a valid SFI 3.3 label.
D. Seats
a. All current seats must be full containment type constructed of aluminum or approved carbon fiber and must adhere to the general design specifications of SFI 39.2 seat construction standards. Design shall include comprehensive head surround, shoulder and torso support system, energy impact foam, and removable head foam.
b. Carbon fiber seats must have a current valid SFI 39.2 certification.
c. Up fitting a current seat with bolt on kits will be permitted with a seat manufacturer produced kit and an acceptable base seat approved by the seat manufacturer. Components must include comprehensive head surround, shoulder and torso support system, energy impact foam, and removable head foam. Must be installed in accordance with seat manufacturerâs instructions. Combining components may not meet SFI 39.2 Certification.
d. Seats must be used as supplied and installed following instructions provided by the seat manufacturer.
e. If the left side head surround is 7â-inches or less when measured from the back of the headrest, then a left side head net meeting the SFI 37.1 must be installed with a quick release latch. A minimum left side head surround of 4â-inches is required.
E. Helmets
a. All drivers must wear a full-face helmet with a minimum safety rating of FIA 8859-2015, FIA 8860-2018, Snell SA2025, Snell SA2020, Snell EA2016, Snell SA2015.
F. Head and Neck Restraints
a. Drivers, always when they are on the track, must have their helmets correctly (following manufacturers installation and use instructions) connected to an approved head and neck restraint.
b. The head and neck restraint must be SFI 38.1 approved and display a legible and valid SFI 38.1 label. Per SFI 38.1 head and neck devices should be re-certified every 5 years, this will become mandatory in the near future.
G. Fire Suppression
a. Highly recommended but not mandatory
H. Tethers
a. Approved front axle tether systems are mandatory. The tether mounting must meet the SFI 55.1 specifications which includes two (2) VectranÂŽ HS V-12, or Dynemma 12 tethers attached to the chassis. Tether systems must include a âkingpin to kingpinâ tether that will attach to the axle clamp/band or pass through the loop of wrap style axle tethers. Tether cables should be installed using the manufacturer’s provided fasteners. Tether systems of any type must be pre-approved and installed in accordance with the manufacturerâs instructions. âBolt to boltâ radius rod axle tethers will be allowed. All axle tether systems must clamp to or wrap around the axle per the manufacturerâs instructions. No web material type tethers will be allowed.
I. Head and Neck Restraints
a. Only SFI 45.1 roll bar padding may be used. Knee, steering pads and/or additional padding may be utilized.
b. All teams should have an easily accessible fire extinguisher or its equivalent in the teamâs pit area.
Section 9 – Other
A. Racing components in aluminum and magnesium should be checked for stress and replaced on a regular basis, based on the manufacturerâs recommendations of the life usage of the part. These parts are, but not limited to wheel centers, live rear axles, hubs, and top wings.
B. Computer operated and/or controlled parts, such as, but not limited to fuel injection, fuel systems, chassis adjusting systems, etc. will not be permitted at any time during any event. The use of any electronic remote and/or wireless equipment capable of adjusting any equipment and/or function on the race car during any type of racing competition will not be permitted.
C. The use of electronic logic processors (this includes any traction control devices) to control any function of the race car and/or any system for continuous gathering of data from any function of the race car for which the intended use is computer downloading will not be permitted at any time during any event.
D. Two-way radios, crewmember to driver and/or any other means of electronic communication, other than the ASCS controlled one-way driver radio, will not be permitted.
E. Competitors shall supply their own and be required to use âone-way radio communicationâ from race officials. The communication from the American Sprint Car Series Race Director will aid in the direction of the race, including, but not limited to, safety and resetting the race lineup prior to any restart Drivers one-way radios may be available for rent from the scoring official. Should a one-way radio be lost, damaged, destroyed and/or not returned, replacement cost will be withheld from that teamsâ purse winnings from that event.
F. Electronics, Gauges and Dashes
a. 2-way communication devices in or attached to the race vehicle or on the driverâs person will not be permitted.
b. Cellular, satellite and/or Wi-Fi devices in or attached to the race vehicle or the driverâs person will not be permitted (including cell phones or smart watches).
c. Antennas will not be permitted in or attached to the race vehicle or carried by the driver.
d. All forms of a vehicle position system (GPS) will not be permitted.
e. Only approved lap timing and or lap time recording devices (transponders) will be permitted.
f. Gauges to monitor engine conditions are permitted at the discretion of American Sprint Car Series Officials.
g. All Electric gages whether analog or digital, except tachometers, will only be permitted to have one (1) input from the respective gauge sensor. Outputs from the gauges will not be permitted. Tachometers will be permitted to record engine RPM for recall.
h. Electronic Dash Modules will not be allowed in the American Sprint Car Series.
i. All additional wiring harnesses related to electronic dash modules or any other type of data acquisition must be completely removed from the race vehicle during an event.