Weedsport, NY — 2010 COMPETITOR NOTES – SALUTE THE TROOPS ‘150’ – (Satellite Event Competitor Notes Included)
Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Event #11 – October 5th through 10th, 2010
New York State Fairgrounds – Syracuse, New York
DIRTcar, Track Staffing and Contacts:
Gary Spaid 585-734-5959 aces2@frontiernet.net
Bob Dini 917-939-5417 bdini@dirtcar.com
Tom Skibinski 585-350-8997 tskibinski@dirtcar.com
John Nelson 716-907-1905 jnelson@dirtcar.com
Joe Skotnicki 704-796-4566 jskotnicki@dirtcar.com
Shane Andrews 315-725-3602 sandrews@dirtcar.com
New York State Fairgrounds and Rolling Wheels Raceway:
Cory Reed 315-834-6606 creed@dirtcar.com
Jeff Hachmann 315-834-6606 jhachmann@dirtcar.com
Gary Risch, Jr. 724-816-4524 grisch@dirtcar.com
Event Schedule and General Daily Schedule:
12:00 pm (noon) Ticket, Camping, and Pit Pass sales begin at entrance gate
12:00 pm (noon) “Early Bird” Tech Inspection Begins for all classes opens at gate 10 area
8:00 am Gates open for Campers and Haulers
9:00 am Inspection Begins for all classes (under main grandstand)
10:00 pm Pit Area Closed
8:00 am Pit Gates Open
8:00 am-10:00 am Inspection for all classes (under main grandstand)
9:00 am Super DIRTcar Big Block Modified Series, Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series, DIRTcar Futures(358’s and Sportsman) Draw for Qualifying Position Opens – Location TBD
11:00 am Salute to the Troops 150 Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Practice
12:00 pm (noon) ‘Media Day’ Press Conference – Infield Conference Bldg “John Hill Media Center”
1:30 pm Salute to the Troops 150 Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Time Trials (2-laps, Top-6 Qualify for Front-3 Rows)
10:00 pm Pit Area Closed
7:30 pm Mr. DIRTcar 358-Modified Series at Brewerton Speedway.
8:00 am Pit Gates Open, Sportsman Inspection Open
10:00 am Grandstands Open, Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Practice
12:45 pm Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Twin 20’s (TBD non-qualified cars advance from each)
10:00 pm Pit Area Closed
7:30 pm Mr. DIRTcar 358-Modified & Sportsman Series at Rolling Wheels Raceway.
7:30 pm 360 Sprint Car Challenge, Parts Plus Tri-Track Stock Car Series and Mod Lites at Cayuga County Fair Speedway
8:00 am Pit Gates Open, Pro Stock Inspection Open
9:00 am MANDATORY – Salute to the Troops 150 Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Driver and Crew Chief Meeting (in Pit Building)
9:30 am Grandstands Open, Track open for Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Salute to the Troops Final Practice
1:30 pm Salute to the Troops 150 Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Pre-Race Ceremonies
2:00 pm Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Salute to the Troops 150 (150 laps / 150 miles)
-TBA- Rain Date for Saturday or Sunday events
SEF 200 presented by Ferris Simplicity and Snapper Mowers Event Specific Rules:
Tires; Only “Hoosier” Tires will be permitted: Modified and 358-Modified:
LF – 11/82-15 DIRT Hard (D400) RF – 13/82-15 DIRT X-Tra (D500)
LR – 13/87-15 or 13/89-15 Hard (D400) RR – 13/92-15 DIRT X-Tra (D500)
Fuel: Only VP D-109, D-110, D-12 will be permitted. Fuel will be available at the track and to be purchase
Series and Contingency Decals – Will be verified and must be present for payout of award. DIRTcar, Super DIRTcar, VP, Hoosier are mandatory. Other contingency decals are optional but payout is not guaranteed unless decal and product are present.
*** Payoff will be in the John Hill Media Center or via U.S. Mail following the conclusion of the Event.
Salute to the Troops 150 Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Qualifying Procedures:
40 Car Field Maximum
The top 12 in overall Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Championship Standings, the two (2) DIRTcar 358 Modified Regional Champions and DIRTcar 358 Modified drivers who earned starting positions throughout selected ‘Qualifying’ events will be awarded starting positions in the Salute to the Troops 150. Each ‘Qualified’ Driver must possess a valid DIRTcar Membership. The eligible driver’s for the ‘Qualifying’ positions will be posted at the Super DIRTcar Series trailer and those positions may not be passed back, unless awarded to the next high finishing non-eligible driver the night of the ‘Qualifying Event’.
Time Trials – Any driver may only utilize one (1) car for time trials. The top six (6) starting positions will be determined by time trials. Each driver will draw for time trial starting position. The fastest six (6) cars will make up the first three (3) rows (first six starting positions) in the Salute the Troops 150.
Time Trials will also determine the line up for the Twin 20’s, based on the driver’s best single lap time for each car during from time trials. The top eight (8) non-guaranteed driver’s will be placed in the Twin 20’s line ups.
The remaining positions for the Salute the Troops 150 will be filled from the Twin 20 Qualifying Races and/or Guaranteed Starting Positions, with the finishes of the Twin 20’s taking precedent over any driver that has a guaranteed starting positing but doesn’t finish in a qualified position in the Twin 20’s and a Non-Qualifiers Race (if needed).
Guaranteed drivers from the Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series race at Brewerton Speedway on Thursday, October 7th, 2010 will be added to the Twin 20’s on Friday, October 9th, 2010 at the New York State Fairgrounds.
Guaranteed drivers from the Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series race at Rolling Wheels Raceway on Friday, October 8th, 2010 will be added to the back of the starting lineup for the Salute the Troops 150 on Saturday, October 9th, 2010 at the New York State Fairgrounds.
In the event of inclement weather preventing any and/or all qualifying attempts, guaranteed cars will be lined up based on the overall championship standings in the Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Championship Series. Only pre-entered driver’s will be listed in this line-up. If time permits a Non-Qualifiers race will be run for pre-entered non-guaranteed drivers.
The race will be based on a 100-point ‘Show Up Point’ schedule. Any driver that shows up and makes an attempt to compete in the Salute to the Troops 150 will receive 100-points toward the Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Championship.
Event Specific Rules / Race and Pit Procedures for the Salute the Troops 150 (including Time Trials, Twin 20’s, Non-Qualifiers Race only if required and the 150-lap Feature):
– Time trials will consist of two (2) consecutive green laps with the best recorded lap time being the time of record.
– The ‘Twin 20’s’ and Non-Qualifier’s Race will consist of 20 green flag laps. Caution laps will not count.
– All original starts will be side-by-side off turn four in the area of the VP Racing Fuels ‘Making Power Point’ until the green flag is displayed.
– All single-file restarts will be exiting turn four in the area of the VP Racing Fuels ‘Making Power Point’ (Blue VP Racing Fuel Barrels).
– The leader must maintain the pace established by the pace car and will be signaled to do so on the one-way radio, if in the judgment of the Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Officials, the pace is not maintained a penalty and/or penalties may be issued.
– There will be no EZ Pass candidate in the Triple 20’s or the Non-Qualifiers race.
– The races may be extended past the 20-lap distance with a green-white-checker finish.
– The Salute the Troops 150 will be a 150-lap / 150-mile race. All laps (green and/or caution) will count.
– Pitting prior to the green flag for fuel will not be permitted.
– The original start will be side-by-side exiting turn four in the area of the VP Racing Fuels ‘Making Power Point’ (Blue VP Racing Fuel Barrels) until the green flag is displayed.
– All restarts will be single file exiting turn four in the area of the VP Racing Fuels ‘Making Power Point’ (Blue VP Racing Fuel Barrels).
– On the original start the front row and the leader on all restarts must maintain the pace established by the pace car and will be signaled to do so, on the one-way radio, if in the judgment of the Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Officials, the pace is not maintained a penalty and/or penalties may be issued.
– The leader is the control car on all starts and/or restarts.
– All restarts will be single-file with lead lap cars to the front – lapped cars will drop to the inside under caution and rejoin the field beginning after the last car on the lead lap in their order of running on the race track at the time of the caution.
– You may lose a lap under the caution during this event.
– When the caution is displayed, get into single-file order, the line up will be signaled over the one-way radio.
– If at any time the red flag is displayed and competitors are signaled to stop due to a red flag condition, cars must come to a complete stop. After the field is stopped and is under control of the pace car, Super DIRTcar Big Block Modified Series Officials, will instruct any vehicle not involved in the red flag incident that needs to pit for service, to pull up to the pace car prior to being released to the pit area on the one-way radio. Any car that pits during the red flag period will be required to restart at the tail of the field in their respective position. If any car heads to the pits without following the instructing over the one-way radio, a 1-lap penalty may be issued.
– There will be one (1) car eligible for the ‘EZ Pass Reward’ on each caution. The only car eligible will be the first one (1) lap down. The ‘EZ Pass’ car will be signaled over the one-way radio to pull up behind the pace car, but must not proceed past the pace car until instructed to do so on the one-way radio.
– The race may extend pass the advertised 150-lap distance and could end with a green-white-checker finish. There may be multiple attempts at a green-white-checker finish, however, if the leader receives the white flag and the caution is displayed during the white flag lap the cars will be scored on the basis of their track position. PASSING WILL NOT BE PERMITTED, provided the cars maintain a reasonable speed considering the track conditions. Any cars that may be involved and/or the result of the caution will be scored in their respective position following the incident.
– One-way radios are mandatory – two-way radios will be permitted and must be used in conjunction with the one-way radio. A spotter will be required. There will be a designated spotter area at the top of the grandstand in a signified area.
– Cars breaking under green flag conditions may exit the race track at any pit entrance / exit. If leaving the track on the pit exit road on the backstretch, please use caution.
– Cars with flat tires or an emergency situation may enter the pits even if the pits are closed but must restart at the tail end of the field. Cars entering the pits for service will be addressed on the one-way radio and through the spotter to restart at the rear of the field.
– Two pace vehicles will be utilized throughout the event. The second pace vehicle will be used to control pit road speed and will only enter the racing surface once the field is one under control, running next to the primary pace vehicle. When the pits are open the pit road pace vehicle will come down pit road at 25 mph. If you pit you must maintain the pace vehicle speed. Passing either pace vehicle at any time without instruction over the one-way radio may result in a one (1) lap penalty.
– The pits will be called open over the race channel and one-way radio, and an official in turn four will open the pits with a green flag.
– Once the pits are open, only lead lap cars will be permitted to pit the first time the field reaches pit road. On the next lap, the pits will be open for the remainder of the field. If any car ‘pits to soon’ the penalty will be to restart at the tail end of the field. At times throughout the event, a “QUICKIE” caution may be called over the one-way radio, which signifies that all cars, lead lap and/or down cars may pit at the same time.
– The top six (6) qualifiers from time trials will be allowed to pick their pit stalls. The remainder of the field will receive assigned pit stalls.
– “Pulling up to pit” will not be permitted. When your vehicle reaches the entry of pit road, you may pull down and enter pit road. “Pulling up to pit” may result in a one (1) lap penalty.
– When exiting the pits there will be a ‘Stop and Go’ official. If you exit pit road while being signaled to stop you may be issued a one (1) lap penalty.
– Be advised that throughout the 150-lap event a sweeper, broom and/or misting water truck may be utilized in the corners during the caution periods of the event.
– It is mandatory to have the following decals on the car (DIRTcar, Super DIRTcar Series, VP Racing Fuels and Hoosier) and the driver must have a VP patch on his uniform.
– To be eligible for other available contingencies you must run the decals. Included is a guided map for two available options to place decals on your vehicle.
– Immediately following the conclusion of the event, the first place car needs to go to the scale first, then we need second and third to the scales and to victory lane. Additional vehicles and/or competitors may be signaled to inspection over the one-way radio following the conclusion of the event.
– World Racing Group, Super DIRTcar and/or DIRTcar Officials reserve the right to alter the rules of this and/or any event, provided the competitors are given notice (in advance and/or over the one-way radio) due to any circumstance that require such a change or alteration.
Per the 2010 Super DIRTcar / DIRTcar Rule Book – 5.16 Special Event (Events that require Pit Stops) – Cars, Equipment and/or Procedures:
A.) In any event that requires a pit stop and/or refueling, the use of two (2) dump/refueling cans at the same time will not be permitted. Only one (1) dump/refueling can, which may not exceed 12 US Gallons in capacity, will be permitted at one time.
B.) Car(s) may not be pushed past the flagman located at the end/exit of pit road.
C.) Once a race has taken the original green flag and laps have started counting, cars may be started by hand pushing in the pit area and/or on pit road only. Push trucks may be available and will be signaled by race control for a mechanical push start if required. In events that utilize a pit road for servicing the car with a pit crew, push trucks will not be permitted to push start and/or push cars off of pit road and back into competition, unless directed to do so by the Super DIRTcar Series and/or DIRTcar race director.
D.) Cars may only enter pit road for pit stops from the defined pit road entrance Cars must travel on pit road in a counter-clockwise direction only.
E.) When multiple cars are pitting and enter pit road, they must enter in single file. Passing on pit road will not be permitted. Cars must stay as far to the rights as possible on pit lane before entering the required pit stall and must maintain ‘pit road speed’ as designated by the pace car on pace laps. Exceeding the pit road speed and/or passing on pit road may result in a penalty at the discretion of Super DIRTcar, DIRTcar and/or World Racing Group Officials. ‘Pit road speed’ will be in effect for entering and exiting the pit road.
F.) All pit stop service must be completed in the assigned pit stall.
G.) Only six (6) pit crew members will be permitted over the wall to service the vehicle at any time. The use of any additional crew members may result in a penalty. Five (5) pit crew members to service the car and one (1) to handle the catch can. All crew members going over the wall (limit five plus the catch can person), must be equipped with helmets. All fueling personnel (gasman and catch can person) must have a full-faced helmet, fire resistant gloves and fire resistant fire suit and/or a uniform that has been treated with a fire resistant substance. It is recommended that the gasman with dump can and catch can man have a fire retardant apron in addition to the fire retardant suit. This rule applies for both the Super DIRTcar Series and/or Mr. DIRTcar 358-Modified Championship where refueling is required during a pit stop.
H.) In a 150 lap event, there will be one (1) mandatory pit stop any time after the completion of lap 50. During caution periods after the conclusion of lap 50, the caution will remain out to give teams the opportunity to pit and for the field to ‘cycle’ through required pit stops (a minimum of three (3) laps of caution). (Due to the distance of the Salute the Troops 150 a pit window will not be mandatory).
I.) For a pit stop to be considered official, the car must come to a complete stop in its assigned pit stall.
J.) In events were pit stops may be required, pit road will remain closed until the pace vehicle has control of the field. If a car enters pit road prior to pit road being ‘opened’ the minimum penalty will be that car being placed to the tail end of the field and the maximum penalty will be the loss of one (1) lap. Cars that have been damaged and/or require repairs and/or assistance will be permitted on pit road before it is open, however, if they are able to return to the race, they must restart at the rear of the field.
K.) In an event that requires two-way radio communication, the one-way radio must be used ‘in-line’ with the two-way radio system.
L.) It is recommended that all teams have a sign posted approximately ten (10’) feet in the air in front of the air assigned pit areas displaying their car number and color scheme. The sign should be legible for officials to facilitate the delivery of messages from race control.
Technical Inspection:
Be prepared for inspection at the New York State Fairgrounds when Technical Inspection begins on Tuesday, October 5th, 2010 @ 12:00 pm (Noon):
Please Note that Inspection on Tuesday, October 5th, 2010 will in the parking lot near Gate 10. On Wednesday, October 6th, 2010, Inspection will move underneath the main grandstand.
All teams must present their racecars for inspection with the engine ready to be sealed. Any competitor and/or entered car will be permitted only one (1) engine throughout the event, unless mechanical damage constitutes replacement. Engine changing and/or replacement will be done at the discretion of the Series Director. In the event an engine change is granted after qualifying the driver must start the event at the rear of the field.
It is recommended that all racecars presented for pre-race inspection are empty of fuel for ease of fuel cell and system inspection.
Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Teams may enter their car ($110) in the Super DIRTcar Big Block Modified Series event at the New York State Fairgrounds and participate in Super DIRTcar Big Block Modified Series practice in addition to the Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series practice.
Inspection to be prepared for:
Safety and General Inspection
Carburetor Inspection
General Body Inspection
Pre-Race Engine Inspection
Fuel Samples from Fuel Cell
Overall Inspection
Post Race Weights:
Big Block Mods = 2,500 lbs
DIRTcar 500 Spec. = 2,400 lbs
358 Mods Ported Intake and Optional Exhaust = 2,450 lbs
358 Mods Stock Intake & Spec Exhaust = 2,350 lbs
358 Mods Ported Iron Heads = 2,650 lbs
*** Note: There will be post-race inspection in the designated inspection area at the Series Trailer / Technical Truck following the completion of Victory Lane Ceremonies.
Salute the Troops 150Starting Field:
1.) Time Trials 2.) Time Trials
3.) Time Trials 4.) Time Trials
5.) Time Trials 6.) Time Trials
7.) Twin 20 – Race 1 (Winner) 8.) Twin 20 – Race 2 (Winner)
9.) Twin 20 – Race 1 (2nd) 10.) Twin 20 – Race 2 (2nd)
11.) Twin 20 – Race 1 (3rd) 12.) Twin 20 – Race 2 (3rd)
13.) Twin 20 – Race 1 (4th) 14.) Twin 20 – Race 2 (4th)
15.) Twin 20 – Race 1 (5th) 16.) Twin 20 – Race 2 (5th)
17.) Twin 20 – Race 1 (6th) 18.) Twin 20 – Race 2 (6th)
19.) Twin 20 – Race 1 (7th) 20,) Twin 20 – Race 2 (7th)
21.) Twin 20 – Race 1 (8th) 21.) Twin 20 – Race 2 (8th)
23.) Twin 20 – Race 1 (9th) 24.) Twin 20 – Race 2 (9th)
25.) Twin 20 – Race 1 (10th) 26.) Twin 20 – Race 2 (10th)
27.) Twin 20 – Race 1 (11th) 28.) Twin 20 – Race 2 (11th)
29.) Twin 20 – Race 1 (12th) 30.) Twin 20 – Race 2 (12th)
31.) Non-Qualifiers Race (1st) 32.) Non-Qualifiers Race (2nd)
33.) Non-Qualifiers Race (3rd) 34.) Non-Qualifiers Race (4th)
35.) Non-Qualifiers Race (5th) 36.) Non-Qualifiers Race (6th)
37.) Guaranteed / Provisional 1 38.) Guaranteed / Provisional 2
39.) Guaranteed / Provisional 2 40.) Guaranteed / Provisional 4
Salute to the Troops 150 – Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Purse:
1 $20,000
2 10,000
3 5,000
4 3,000
5 2,000
6 1,500
7 1,200
8 1,000
9 800
10 600
11 400
12 350
13 320
14 310
15 300
16 290
17 280
18 270
19 260
20 250
21 250
22 250
23 250
24 250
25 250
26 250
27 250
28 250
29 250
30 250
31 250
32 250
33 250
34 250
35 250
36 250
37 250
38 250
39 250
40 250
Rule Book:
Pullen’s Truck Center Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Twin 20’s:
1 $1,000
2 600
3 400
4 300
5 200
6 150
7 125
8 125
9 125
10 125
11 100
12 100
13 100
14 100
15 100
16 100
17 100
18 100
19 100
20 100
21 100
22 100
23 100
24 100
25 100
26 100
27 100
28 100
29 100
30 100
Salute the Troops 150
SDW XXXIX Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Championship
150 Champion $20,000.00
Pole Award $1,000.00
Outside Pole Award $500.00
Twin 20 #1 winner $1,000.00
Twin 20 #2 winner $1,000.00
NYSSCA Top Finishing Member $100.00
2010 COMPETITOR NOTES – BREWERTON SPEEDWAY – 18th Annual Super DIRT Week Special
Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Race #12 – Thursday, October 7th, 2010
DIRTcar, Track Staffing and Contacts:
Gary Spaid (Timing, Scoring, Points, Handicapping) 585-734-5959 aces2@frontiernet.net
Bob Dini (Director, Technical Inspections) 917-939-5417 bdini@dirtcar.com
Tom Skibinski (Director, Media Relations) 585-350-8997 tskibinski@dirtcar.comt
John Nelson (Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Director) 716-907-1905 jnelson@dirtcar.com
Joe Skotnicki (Series Director, Race Director) 704-796-4566 jskotnicki@dirtcar.com
Brewerton Speedway:
Bob Connelly 315-668-6906 bob@brewertonspeedway.com
Event Schedule:
Thursday, October 7th – Brewerton Speedway – Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series – 100-laps
General Daily Schedule:
3:00 pm – Grounds Open, Transporter Parking
4:15 pm – Pit Sweep – All teams and fans must exit pit area (Haulers must be left open for visual inspection)
4:30 pm – Pit Gates Open, Teams Enter (Draw Begins), Inspection Begins
6:00 pm – MANDATORY Driver’s Meeting
6:30 pm – Hot Laps
6:45 pm – Group Time Trials
7:30 pm – Qualifying Races
TBD – 18th Annual Super DIRT Week Special Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series ‘100’ – 100-laps
Event Specific Rules:
Tires; The “Hoosier” D200, D300, D400 or D500 will be permitted.
Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Fuel; Only VP D-109, D-110, D-12 will be permitted. Fuel will be available at the track and to be purchased.
*Note: 2010 Super DIRTcar / DIRTcar Rule Book –
75-Lap Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Event:
30 Car Field Maximum. (4 Provisional positions available to the Top-12 in current season (2010) championship point standings.)
Number of Qualifying Races will be based on the total number cars competing in the event. (8-lap qualifying races)
2 (or more) ‘B’-Features (10-laps) – Number of Transfers will be posted at the Series Trailer.
Top 12 Driver’s from qualifying will redraw for starting position in the feature.
The race will be on the 100-point schedule.
*** Payoff will be after the conclusion of the event at the DIRTcar Sprinter Technical Truck.
Event Specific Rules:
– All starts are side-by-side until the green flag is displayed. The front row must maintain the pace established by the pace car and will be signaled to do so, on the one-way radio, if in the judgment of the Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Officials, the pace is not maintained a penalty and/or penalties may be issued.
– All restarts will take place in the area of the ‘VP Racing Fuels Power Point’ (indicated by the placement of the VP Fuel Barrels at the exit of turn four).
– The leader is the control car on all starts and/or restarts.
– All restarts up to lap 75 will be double-file with lead lap cars to the front – lapped cars will drop to the inside under caution and rejoin the field beginning after the last car on the lead lap in their order of running on the race track at the time of the caution.
– If the caution is displayed and you must pit, you will not lose a lap in the pits. You may only lose a lap on the race track under green flag conditions.
– After the completion of lap 75 all remaining restarts will be single final until the completion of the event.
– All races will end with a green-white-checker finish
– Caution laps will count from 1-75. Caution laps will not count from lap 76-100 (or the completion of the event).
– One-way radios are mandatory – two-way radios will not be permitted.
– When the caution is displayed, please get into single-file order, you will be signaled over the one-way radio when it is time to go double-file and/or restart single file.
– If at any time the red flag is displayed and competitors are signaled to stop due to a red flag condition, cars must come to a complete stop. After the field is stopped and is under control of the pace car, Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Officials, will instruct any vehicle not involved in the red flag incident that needs to pit for service, to pull up to the pace car prior to being released to the pit area on the one-way radio. Any car that pits during the red flag period will be required to restart at the tail of the field in their respective position. If any car heads to the pits without following the instructing over the one-way radio, a 1-lap penalty may be issued.
– It is mandatory to have the following decals on the car (DIRTcar, Super DIRTcar Series, VP Racing Fuels and Hoosier) and the driver must have a VP patch on his uniform.
– To be eligible for other available contingencies you must run the decals. Included is a guided map for two available options to place decals on your vehicle.
– Immediately following the conclusion of the event, the first place car needs to go to the scale first, then we need second and third to the scales and to victory lane.
Technical Inspection:
Be prepared for inspection at Brewerton Speedway when Technical Inspection begins at 4:00pm on Thursday, October 7th, 2010 – (Bob Dini and Scott Fremouw):
Safety and General Inspection
Carburetor Inspection
General Body Inspection
Pre-Race Engine Inspection
Fuel Samples from Fuel Cell
Overall Inspection
Post Race Weights:
358 DIRTcar Modified = 2,450 lbs
358 Brodix ‘Spec’ Engine = 2,350 lbs
358 ‘Approved’ Ported Iron Heads = 2,650 lbs
*** Note: There will be post-race inspection in the designated inspection area at the Series Trailer / Technical Truck following the completion of Victory Lane Ceremonies.
Starting Field:
1.) Qualified 2.) Qualified
3.) Qualified 4.) Qualified
5.) Qualified 6.) Qualified
7.) Qualified 8.) Qualified
9.) Qualified 10.) Qualified
11.) Qualified 12.) Qualified
13.) Qualified 14.) Qualified
15.) Qualified 16.) Qualified
17.) Qualified 18.) Qualified
19.) Qualified 20.) Qualified
21.) B-Main Car 1 22.) B-Main Car 2
23.) B-Main Car 3 24.) B-Main Car 4
25.) B-Main Car 5 26.) B-Main Car 6
27.) Provisional 1 28.) Provisional 2
29.) Provisional 3 30.) Provisional 4
Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Purse:
1 $4,000
2 2,500
3 1,500
4 1,200
5 1,000
6 800
7 700
8 600
9 550
10 500
11 450
12 400
13 375
14 350
15 325
16 300
17 275
18 250
19 250
20 250
21 250
22 250
23 250
24 250
25 250
26 250
27 250
28 250
29 250
30 250
Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Race #13 – Friday, October 8th, 2010
DIRTcar, Track Staffing and Contacts:
Gary Spaid (Timing, Scoring, Points, Handicapping) 585-734-5959 aces2@frontiernet.net
Bob Dini (Director, Technical Inspections) 917-939-5417 bdini@dirtcar.com
Tom Skibinski (Director, Media Relations) 585-350-8997 tskibinski@dirtcar.comt
John Nelson (Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Director) 716-907-1905 jnelson@dirtcar.com
Joe Skotnicki (Series Director, Race Director) 704-796-4566 jskotnicki@dirtcar.com
Rolling Wheels Raceway:
Cory Reed 315-834-6606 creed@dirtcar.com
Jeff Hachmann 315-834-6606 jhachmann@dirtcar.com
Gary Risch, Jr. 724-816-4524 grisch@dirtcar.com
Event Schedule:
Friday, October 8th – Rolling Wheels Raceway – Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series – 75-laps
General Daily Schedule:
4:00 pm – Pit Gates Open, Transporter Parking, Teams Enter (Draw Begins), Inspection Begins
6:00 pm – MANDATORY Driver’s Meeting
6:30 pm – Hot Laps
6:45 pm – Group Time Trials
7:30 pm – Qualifying Races
TBD – Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series – ‘Fast Track 75’ – 75-laps
Event Specific Rules:
Tires; “Hoosier” D200, D300, D400 or D500 will be permitted.
Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Fuel; Only VP D-109, D-110, D-12 will be permitted. Fuel will be available at the track and to be purchased.
*Note: 2010 Super DIRTcar / DIRTcar Rule Book –
75-Lap Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Event:
30 Car Field Maximum. (4 Provisional positions available to the Top-12 in current season (2010) championship point standings.)
Number of Qualifying Races will be based on the total number cars competing in the event. (8-lap qualifying races)
2 (or more) ‘B’-Features (10-laps) – Number of Transfers will be posted at the Series Trailer.
Top 12 Driver’s from qualifying will redraw for starting position in the feature.
The race will be on the 100-point schedule.
*** Payoff will be after the conclusion of the event at the DIRTcar Sprinter Technical Truck.
Event Specific Rules:
– All starts are side-by-side until the green flag is displayed. The front row must maintain the pace established by the pace car and will be signaled to do so, on the one-way radio, if in the judgment of the Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Officials, the pace is not maintained a penalty and/or penalties may be issued.
– All restarts will take place in the area of the ‘VP Racing Fuels Power Point’ (indicated by the placement of the VP Fuel Barrels at the exit of turn four).
– The leader is the control car on all starts and/or restarts.
– All restarts up to lap 50 will be double-file with lead lap cars to the front – lapped cars will drop to the inside under caution and rejoin the field beginning after the last car on the lead lap in their order of running on the race track at the time of the caution.
– If the caution is displayed and you must pit, you will not lose a lap in the pits. You may only lose a lap on the race track under green flag conditions.
– After the completion of lap 50 all remaining restarts will be single final until the completion of the event.
– All races will end with a green-white-checker finish
– Caution laps for this event will not count (75-green-flag laps).
– One-way radios are mandatory – two-way radios will not be permitted.
– When the caution is displayed, please get into single-file order, you will be signaled over the one-way radio when it is time to go double-file and/or restart single file.
– If at any time the red flag is displayed and competitors are signaled to stop due to a red flag condition, cars must come to a complete stop. After the field is stopped and is under control of the pace car, Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Officials, will instruct any vehicle not involved in the red flag incident that needs to pit for service, to pull up to the pace car prior to being released to the pit area on the one-way radio. Any car that pits during the red flag period will be required to restart at the tail of the field in their respective position. If any car heads to the pits without following the instructing over the one-way radio, a 1-lap penalty may be issued.
– It is mandatory to have the following decals on the car (DIRTcar, Super DIRTcar Series, VP Racing Fuels and Hoosier) and the driver must have a VP patch on his uniform.
– To be eligible for other available contingencies you must run the decals. Included is a guided map for two available options to place decals on your vehicle.
– Immediately following the conclusion of the event, the first place car needs to go to the scale first, then we need second and third to the scales and to victory lane.
Technical Inspection:
Be prepared for inspection at Rolling Wheels Raceway when Technical Inspection begins at 4:00pm on Friday, October 8th, 2010 – (Bob Dini and Scott Fremouw):
Safety and General Inspection
Carburetor Inspection
General Body Inspection
Pre-Race Engine Inspection
Fuel Samples from Fuel Cell
Overall Inspection
Post Race Weights:
358 DIRTcar Modified = 2,450 lbs
358 Brodix ‘Spec’ Engine = 2,350 lbs
358 ‘Approved’ Ported Iron Heads = 2,650 lbs
*** Note: There will be post-race inspection in the designated inspection area at the Series Trailer / Technical Truck following the completion of Victory Lane Ceremonies.
Starting Field:
1.) Qualified 2.) Qualified
3.) Qualified 4.) Qualified
5.) Qualified 6.) Qualified
7.) Qualified 8.) Qualified
9.) Qualified 10.) Qualified
11.) Qualified 12.) Qualified
13.) Qualified 14.) Qualified
15.) Qualified 16.) Qualified
17.) Qualified 18.) Qualified
19.) Qualified 20.) Qualified
21.) B-Main Car 1 22.) B-Main Car 2
23.) B-Main Car 3 24.) B-Main Car 4
25.) B-Main Car 5 26.) B-Main Car 6
27.) Provisional 1 28.) Provisional 2
29.) Provisional 3 30.) Provisional 4
Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified Series Purse:
1 $4,000
2 2,500
3 1,500
4 1,200
5 1,000
6 800
7 700
8 600
9 550
10 500
11 450
12 400
13 375
14 350
15 325
16 300
17 275
18 250
19 250
20 250
21 250
22 250
23 250
24 250
25 250
26 250
27 250
28 250
29 250
30 250