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Penalty Report 09/01/18

CONCORD, NC — Sept. 5, 2018 — Northeast Sportsman Modified driver Mike Phelps has been penalized for failing to comply with a required engine inspection at Fulton Speedway on Sept. 1, 2018. Phelps, who crossed the line first in the second feature event, was one of ten cars included in the tech inspection process. After officials noticed that the GM Seal bolts on Phelps’ GM 602 Crate Engine appeared to have been tampered with, an engine removal was ordered for post-event testing. Phelps ignored the request and left the property.

Competitor:  Mike Phelps
Series:  DIRTcar Weekly Sportsman Event
Event:  Fulton Speedway

Violation: 15.0-C   DIRTcar Sportsman Modified


15.0 – C – DIRTcar Sportsman Modified

Under the guideline of the 2018 DIRTcar rules any and/or rules and as stated in the 2018 DIRTcar Rule Book, all DIRTcar rules apply to all divisions. Local track rules pertaining to the racing procedures and/or overall rules that are administered by the local track officials and management may apply at local tracks in DIRTcar sanctioned events. Instances, where applicable, local track may be applied.

All amendments supersede any previous rules regarding any technical article and/or aspect.

Under the guideline of the 2018 rules any and/or rules and as stated in the 2018 DIRTcar Rule Book, all DIRTcar rules apply to all sanctioned divisions.

The specifications published shall be considered a section of the “Official Rules and Specifications” for all events, series and sanctions by DIRTcar Racing. All sections should be considered when determining specifications and governance.


Any new components, including engine components, body designs, frame designs and/or components of any type utilized in competition must be approved by Super DIRTcar and DIRTcar Officials prior to being introduced into competition.

Note: unless otherwise noted within Section 15.0-C, the rules remain the same as presented in section 15.0-A.

15.1 The General Motors (GM) / Chevrolet Performance Engine part number #88958602/19258602 is the only engine permitted in all DIRTcar Sportsman Modified events.

  1. The engine and all components must remain in their original configuration and form as purchased and/or delivered from the factory. Any alterations to the engine will not be permitted. The Engine must remain as manufactured by General Motors with a stock 4”-inch bore. Overbore(s) will not be permitted. Sleeve repair may be permitted with written permission from DIRTcar Officials.
  2. All engines are to remain sealed from the factory. The original factory seals must remain unaltered. Tampering, removal, modifications of any type and/or broken factory seals will not be permitted. The GM Engine must remain unaltered in any way.
  3. The GM Crate Engine seals (bolt-type) must remain unaltered. DIRTcar Officials may require specific sealing and verification of all seals on any GM Crate Engine. Tampering with and/or alteration of any seals will not be permitted and is subject to immediate penalty and/or suspension.
  4. Only GM replacement parts of any type will be permitted for any type of replacement and/or repair work. Only GM Crate Engine specific valve springs may be used for replacement and/or repair, Part Number # 10212811.

Section 11.0 – Penalties, Fine Schedules & Protests

We are the top Racing Series in North America and expect its members to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times during any event and/or when representing the series. Team owners are solely responsible for the conduct of their drivers and/ or team members and/or anyone connected to or affiliated with that owner’s team. All fines that are listed in sub-section 11.1 are in regard to the initial penalty. Multiple infractions of the same type will increase the severity of the penalty.

11.1 Penalties and Fine Schedules

  1. All fines may be collected from prize money on the day of the infraction. If the competitor has not won appropriate money, the fine must be paid in full before the car and/or driver participates in another sanctioned event.
  2. Any member that violates any technical rule as presented within the rulebook and/or issued in a written bulletin will be subject to disqualification and/ or fine and/or suspension and/or loss of points and/or any other action deemed appropriate by DIRTcar Supervisory Officials
  3. Any member who fails to stop for and/or allow post-race inspection will be subject to disqualification and/or fine and/or suspension and/or any other action deemed appropriate by DIRTcar Supervisory Officials.;.
  4. In the event of any illegal internal modification to any W16 Engine and/or DIRTcar Spec Engine and/or tampering of any manufacturer and/or DIRTcar seal a maximum of a 1-year suspension and/or indefinite probation period.
  5. The engine will be confiscated and not returned and a maximum penalty of $3,500 and loss of all earnings based for the race night, and including but not limited to race night points, point fund awards and/or or race winnings.
  6. In the event the driver is suspended from a division utilizing the W16 engine and/or DIRTcar spec engine, the driver may be offered the opportunity to move up in division to continue participation after serving a suspension and payment of the fine.


Fulton technical inspectors performed an inspection of the top five competitors in each of the two feature events run for the Sportsman class on Sept 1. Northeast Sportsman Modified driver Mike Phelps crossed the line first in the second feature event and was one of ten cars to be included in the tech inspection process. During that procedure head Fulton and Brewerton Speedway Sportsman Inspector Bob Bennett and head Fulton Speedway 358-Modifed Inspector Russ Marsden (who was assisting Mr. Bennett with sportsman tech) noticed that the GM Seal bolts on Phelps’ GM 602 Crate Engine appeared to have been tampered with.

Bennett and Marsden verbally informed Phelps that his engine would need to be pulled from his car for further technical inspection and Dyno testing to determine legality. This conversation was witnessed by Bobby Cook, who manages the track scales on race nights. Bennett and Marsden told Phelps he could take the engine out at his trailer, which is located approximately 100 yards from the tech area, and a tow truck and a pickup truck would be up to hoist and transport the engine. Phelps was informed the engine would be transported to the LJL Kevlar engine shop, which serves as the post-event testing location for all crate engines used at Brewerton and Fulton Speedway. Then, should there be a further technical concern, Mark Hitchcock, DIRTcar NE’s Chief Technical Advisor takes over and performs further tech, if necessary.

Jamie Kellogg, who served on the track preparation crew on Sept. 1, came to the tech area after the removals were ordered to assist with transporting the engines to the LJL/Kevlar Shop. Upon his arrival, Kellogg noted the four engines he would be transporting. Kellogg then noticed the transporter used to haul the Phelps’ car to the track leaving the pit area without surrendering the engine. Kellogg raced out of the pit area after the Phelps hauler but it was already on Rt. 57 leaving the property.

Three additional engines were ordered to be removed for further testing on Sept. 1, including those of feature event winner Wade Christman, Jim Spano and Jackson Gill. Each of those three drivers complied with the track’s order and removed their engines for further testing and analysis. On Tuesday, September 4, 2018, each of these engines was run on the dynamometer and Marsden and Hitchcock conducted further visible tests. All three were deemed to meet GM factory specs. Those drivers have subsequently been awarded their finishing position, points and full pay for the night.

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