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Every Wednesday night, we’ll host two league races of tournament-style iRacing events comprised of up to three rounds, depending on the car count – a Qualifying Round, a Preliminary Round, and The Finals. Catch the action LIVE on DIRTVision!
NOTE: The Qualifying Round and Preliminary Round (if necessary, contested on Tuesday night) may be omitted, depending on the number of entries for a particular race. The sections below detail which event format will be used at which number of entries in a particular event.
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Three-Round Race Program (96 TOTAL ENTRIES AND UP)
Round One: Qualifying Round
- Drivers will be placed into 24-car (max) fields with concurrent sessions.
- Each driver will take part in two (2) solo Qualifying laps and a Feature.
- The top 12 finishers in each Qualifying Feature will transfer to the Preliminary Round.
Round Two: Preliminary Round
- Drivers will be placed into one of two consecutive Preliminary Round sessions.
- Each driver will take part in two (2) solo Qualifying laps to line up Heat Races.
- The total number of Heat Races will depend on the number of cars entered.
- 120 transfers (10 Qualifiers) = 60 car fields, 6 Heats, top 3 advance to Feature
- 108 transfers (9 Qualifiers) = 54 car fields, 6 Heats, top 3 advance
- 96 transfers (8 Qualifiers) = 48 car fields, 5 Heats, top 4 advance
- 84 transfers (7 Qualifiers) = 42 car fields, 5 Heats, top 4 advance
- 72 transfers (6 Qualifiers) = 36 car fields, 4 Heats, top 5 advance
- 60 transfers (5 Qualifiers) = 30 car fields, 3 Heats, top 6 advance
- 48 transfers (4 Qualifiers) = 24 car fields, 3 Heats, top 6 advance
- Non-qualified cars will be lined up into Last Chance Qualifiers
- 108 or 120 transfers (9 or 10 Qualifiers)
- E-Main (7-10th in Heats), top 6 transfer to back of D-Main
- D-Main (6th in Heats), top 6 transfer to back of C-Main
- C-Main (5th in Heats), top 6 transfer to back of Last Chance Showdown
- Last Chance Showdown (4th in Heats), top 4 transfer to back of Feature
- 84 or 96 transfers (7 or 8 Qualifiers)
- D-Main (7th in Heats), top 6 transfer to back of C-Main
- C-Main (6th in Heats), top 6 transfer to back of Last Chance Showdown
- Last Chance Showdown (5th in Heats), top 4 transfer to back of Feature
- 72 transfers (6 Qualifiers)
- C-Main (7-9th in Heats), top 6 transfer to back of Last Chance Showdown
- Last Chance Showdown (6th in Heats), top 4 transfer to back of Feature
- 60 transfers (5 Qualifiers)
- Last Chance Showdown (all non qualifiers), top 6 transfer to back of Feature
- 48 transfers (4 Qualifiers) = NO LAST CHANCE QUALIFIERS
- 108 or 120 transfers (9 or 10 Qualifiers)
- Following the Last Chance Qualifiers there will be a 5-minute warmup.
- Drivers will run a Preliminary Feature. The Top 12 from each Preliminary Feature will transfer to the Final Round.
Round Three: Final Round
- Each of the 24 drivers will take part in a two-lap Qualifying session to line up the Feature.
- The Feature will be 20-50 laps, depending on the car type. All finishing positions will be paid out according to the posted purse/payouts.
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Two-Round Race Program (95-55 TOTAL ENTRIES)
Round One: Preliminary Shows
• Fields will randomly be split into two prelim groups, containing no more than 48 cars in either group.
• Drivers will run two (2) solo Qualifying laps to line up Heats
• Four (4) Heat races, top 4 transfer to Prelim Feature
• Two (2) Last Chance Showdowns, top 4 from each transfer to Prelim Feature
• Prelim Features will be 20-30 laps, depending on the car type. The top 12 finishers will transfer to the Final Round.
Final Round
• The Final Round will consist of the top 12 finishers from each Prelim Feature. Two (2) solo Qualifying laps will be given to set the Feature grid. 20-50 laps, depending on car type.
Two-Round Race Program (54-48 TOTAL ENTRIES)
One format of the following will occur, depending on the number of total entries.
Round One: Preliminary Shows
• Fields will randomly be split into two prelim groups, containing no more than 27 cars in either group.
• Drivers will run two (2) solo Qualifying laps to line up Heats
• Three (3) Heat races, top 6 transfer to Prelim Feature
• One (1) Last Chance Showdown, top 6 transfer to Prelim Feature
• Prelim Features will be 30 laps. The top 12 finishers will transfer to the Final Round.
Final Round
• The Final Round will consist of the top 12 finishers from each Prelim Show. Two (2) solo Qualifying laps will be given to set the Feature grid. 30-50 laps, depending on car type.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Single-Round Race Program (47 TOTAL ENTRIES OR LESS)
One format of the following will occur, depending on the number of total entries.
Singular Show (47-28 entries)
• All entrants will compete in the same show, just like a regular Saturday night short track racing program.
• Drivers will run two (2) solo Qualifying laps to line up Heats
• Four (4) Heat races, top 4 transfer to the Feature
• Two (2) Last Chance Showdowns, top 4 transfer from each to the Feature
• The Feature will be 30-50 laps, depending on the car type.
Singular Show (27 entries or less)
• All entrants will compete in the same show, just like a regular Saturday night short track racing program.
• Drivers will run two (2) solo Qualifying laps to line up Heats
• Three (3) Heat races, top 6 transfer to the Feature
• One (1) Last Chance Showdown, top 6 transfer to the Feature
• The Feature will be 30-50 laps, depending on the car type.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]