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2012 DIRTCar Pro-Stock Feature Wins
as of : 10/15/12
126 Total
8 Jake Simmons PPM
8 Joey Ladouceur MOW, COR
7 Ron Yetman A-S, GBY, DRU
6 Chad Jeseo A-S, LVS
6 Francois Adam GBY, DRU
6 Jocelyn Roy GBY, DRU
6 Pat Weldon PPM
5 Corey McPherson LER
5 Rob Lavgevin A-S
4 Jay Corbin LVS
4 Ryan Stabler COR
4 Stephane LeBrun MOW, COR, BRO
3 Dion Oakes MOW, COR
3 Jason Casey LVS
3 Mike Dutka OCF
3 Wayne Carbo PPM
2 A.J. Flick LER
2 Bruno Cyr DRU
2 Chuck Towslee LVS
2 Dan Older A-S
2 Ghislain Valade MOW, COR
2 Mike Miller LER
2 P.J. Peters MOW
2 Robbie Speed LVS
2 Ron Nuzzaro Jr. OCF
2 Stephane Lemire GBY
2 Terry Young LER
1 Allen Peters MOW
1 Bill Smith A-S
1 Bob Schwartzmiller PPM
1 Bobby Schade OCF
1 Brandon Emigh A-S
1 Chip Smith A-S
1 Chris Schneider LER
1 Dave Emigh A-S
1 George Renaud COR
1 Jay Casey LVS
1 Jim Fosnaught LER
1 Jody Swamp MOW
1 John Velde OCF
1 Jon Routhier LVS
1 Mike Duritsky PPM
1 Nick Hilt LVS
1 Paul LaRochelle LVS
1 Paul Schreckengost LER
1 Pete Stefanski NYS
1 Richard Bertrand DRU
1 Rob Shook LER
1 Roland Hebert GBY
1 Victor Hopkins LVS
1 Walt Brownell A-S


