Weedsport,NY — Weedsport, NY – October 13, 2009 – By Tom Skibinski, DIRTcar Racing Northeast PR Director
A reminder that the cut-off date for teams reserving rooms for the 34th Annual DIRTcar Racing Northeast ‘Night of Champions’ Awards Banquet at the Turning Stone Resort & Casino is OCTOBER 23, 2009. All DIRTcar guests will be lodged in two unique Turning Stone settings, the Hotel Resort and The Tower.
A number of rooms have been blocked off in the name of DIRTcar Racing on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at a rate of $140.00 per night for race teams, sponsors and track personnel seeking overnight accommodations. These weekending room blocks will be held with a three-week cut-off so reservations must be made by October 23 to insure the special discounted rates.
DIRTcar Promoter meetings will run 9am-5pm on Friday with the awards banquet for championship teams set to take place the evening of Saturday, November 14. The festive evening begins with a 6 o’clock reception with dinner served at 6:45 p.m. and the awards ceremony to follow.
The traditional post-season celebration among competitors, sponsors and officials will honor the top series drivers along with DIRTcar Northeast track champions, with a number of special awards handed out during the annual autumn affair.
For reservations, please call The Turning Stone Resort & Casino (www.Turning-Stone.com) at 1-800-771-7711 and indicate your affiliation with the DIRTcar Racing ‘Night of Champions’ Banquet. The Turning Stone Resort & Casino is centrally located, just off the New York State Thruway (I-90) in Verona, approximately 30 miles east of Syracuse. At Exit 33, go left at the traffic light on to Route 365, travel 1/4-mile south before turning left at Patrick Road.
Contact World Racing Group Executive Administrative Assistant Gina Fernez at WRG headquarters (704/795-7223) in Concord, North Carolina or Tana Robinson in the DIRTcar Northeast office (315/834-6606 x225) in Weedsport, New York for further information.
DIRTcar Racing Northeast main office is located in Weedsport, New York on the Cayuga County Fairgrounds, home of DIRTcar All-Star Weekend in July. DIRTcar Northeast’s crown jewel event —Super DIRT Week at the New York State Fairgrounds in Syracuse runs annually in October featuring Hoosier Tire-VP Racing Fuels Mr. DIRTcar Championship Series events for Big-Block Modified, 358-Modified, Sportsman and Pro Stock divisions. Ticket and schedule information is available by contacting the Weedsport office (315/834-6606) during the day or logging into www.superdirtweekonline.com anytime.
The Big-Block Super DIRTcar Series is brought to fans across the Northeast by several sponsors and partners, including series sponsors Hoosier Racing Tire www.hoosiertire.com and VP Racing Fuels www.vpracingfuels.com. Promotional partners include Rite Aid Corporation www.riteaid.com, Dig Safely New York www.digsafelynewyork.com and the University of Northwestern Ohio www.unoh.com and the contingency sponsors are Bars Leaks www.barsproducts.com, Bert Transmission www.berttransmission.com, Bicknell Racing Products www.bicknellracingproducts.com, Bilstein Shocks www.bilstein.com, Brodix Cylinder Heads www.brodix.com, Ferris Industries www.ferrisindustries.com, Integra Shocks www.integrashocksandsprings.com, Intercomp www.intercomp-racing.com, KSE Racing Products www.kse-racing.com, Motorsports Safety Systems www.motorsportssafetysystems.com, Penske Shocks, www.penskeshocks.com, Racing Electronics www.racingelectronics.com, Rislone Oil Stabilizer www.barsproducts.com and Wrisco Industries www.wrisco.com.